

We have driven down here specifically to visit Savannah. We have heard about how beautiful this old city is and how wonderful it is to walk around. I took many unique pictures of this city and thought sharing this post visually may be best. It is wonderful staying right downtown and being able to walk outside from the lobby and continue walking. Our car is parked for a day or two as we exercise our legs.

Canadian Goose Peeking

Canadian Goose Peeking

A Very Unique Downspout

A Very Unique Downspout

Old Brickwork at the River

Old Brickwork at the River

Beautiful Wagon of Flowers

Beautiful Wagon of Flowers

Once upon a time there was a coastal bluff above a river that flowed steadily towards the Atlantic Ocean. In 1733, when General James Oglethorpe arrived on the scene, he not only built a colony in the name of England’s King George II, he also transformed the area into one of the world’s most beautiful cities.