Breathtaking, Stunning, Wondrous and GRAND…

These are just a few words to describe what we have seen today. First tour this morning was the Antelope Canyon. This is a major tourist attraction here and afterwards we totally understand. We will let these pictures explain it all.

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Antelope Canyon is a cave .. cavern with miles and miles to go. We saw a small portion of it. When there is flash flooding no one is allowed to enter. … there have been deaths. The floor bed can rise or lower by 5-8 feet depending on the kind of flash flood, either the sand washes away or the sand is brought down and left here. Different times of the day brings different sunlight which in turn are different pictures.

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P1060255This is the off-road truck we took to the site. It was ten minutes on a nice paved road and then ten minutes on the rough ground to the Antelope Canyon entrance. We hung on dearly! Paul’s back is just fine, whew!

Next stop today was a mile hike to Horseshoe Bend. Majestic!! No standing close to the edge! Colorado River is down below.

Horseshoe Bend

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 Don’t worry, Paul is not too close to the edge!


Next stop is in Utah (just across the border a few miles away)… went down to the Colorado River and had to see the dark blue waters and Lone Rock Beach.


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Yes, that is a huge marina down there and no, we did not go to the marina!

We have so many photos so will post the rest under the PICTURES section of this webpage. Tomorrow off to the Grand Canyon. For my sanity I had to post these to keep it all organized. More wondrous photos to take tomorrow.

DID YOU KNOW that the Glen Canyon Dam is here in Page and this and the Hoover Dam are the largest in the U.S. It is amazing to see in person.